I know it's a little strange to say "I had time to do some DIY projects the first few weeks after my baby was born." But... I had time to do some DIY projects the first few weeks after my baby was born! :) Click here for a few other projects I have done recently.
Thanks to my mom, that is. She was here helping out for a month, which came in very handy!
I love my subdivision's once a year community garage sale. There were hundreds of sales, and my mini-van and I hit the roads at 8am to scope them out. Oh ya... and Miss Avah came with me. 4 weeks of age is a good time to start teaching your child the value of garage sale prices, right?
As I was about to head home, I saw this frame at a sale and had to pull over. The guy had several frames similar to this, and some even much larger than this one (mine is big... 20x24). I asked him what he used them for. (They had corkboard and then fabric stretched over them... the PERFECT bulletin board for an office!) He said he used to run a furniture business, and he had these professionally done so that they could use them for their design process. Score!!
I knew in my mind that this golden hue would very quickly be replaced with my favorite turquoise color... "Peacock Feather." It was only a matter of time... and now it is hanging next to my computer in my office - in all of its glory. (It's covered in "to do lists" by now, but it is still glorious!)