March 27, 2012

Mama Mondays: Introducing Baby Avah

I am feeling tired, but overwhelmingly, I feel so incredibly blessed.   My sweet baby girl, Avah, was born on Sunday.  She is such a reminder of God's love, and we are already so in love with her.  Labor, delivery, and our hospital stay went perfectly, and we are home safe and sound.

I feel so incredibly blessed.  

Blessed to be married to this wonderful man.

Blessed to get to watch him be a father to this little guy and this baby girl.
Blessed to get to be a mother.  Especially a mother to these two beautiful little souls.

Blessed to have my own mother here from 1,100 miles away (she even got to be there during delivery to witness Avah's birth and meet the granddaughter whose middle name is her own namesake).  And grateful for the help, encouragement, and love that she gives me that is so appreciated.  

Blessed to get to hear this little boy tell his sister (unprompted) that she is "beautiful and sweet."
Blessed to have a job that allows me to use the creativity, color, and things I have in my brain and bring them to life through photographs.  It is such a cool way to freeze special moments in time and the reason I do what I do. 

Blessed to have a God who gave his life for me and who gave me so much to live for.

Thank you all for being part of what makes my life feel like it does.